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Q&A Researching Medical Billg/Codg And, HIT


To whom it may concern:

I hope I am doing this right, If not let me know...

I am new to this, And Looking for answers. I'm looking at a program Health Information Technology, And Graduates of the HIT program are eligible to sit for the Insurance and Coding Specialist Exam Offered by NCCT, The cost of the certification is included in the total cost of the program. Graduates are also eligible to sit for the Certified Coding Associate (CCA) Credential by AHIMA or the Certified Patient Account Technician (CPAT) exam by AAHAM, It is recommended graduates first obtain work experience.

I should add that in the Health Information Technology Program They teach you Billing, Coding, and much more.

My question is: (1) Does this look/sound right to you, The Professionals/Experts? (2) Is there anything I should be looking for regarding the Health Information Technology (HIT) Program? (3) Any Questions I should be asking? (4) Is there anything I should/need to know? Any Advice, Comments, Concerns, Professional/Personal Feedback that you can give or, offer me?

I would appreciate it. Looking for Answers/Information!